Hack FAQ

What will be presented here are actual questions that have been posed either in the alt.games.diablo newsgroup, on Battle.net or through Email.    While this does not cover all potential problems, it may give you answers to some questions you have but have yet to ask.

What is a "Trainer"?

A trainer is a utility that allows you to import, export, save and restore items and your character. Some trainers are very simple such as Stu's and others are quite complicated to include hacks and the ability to use other programs called plug-ins. A trainer is a convienient and reliable way to back up your characters. It saves them to a .cha file which can be stored anywhere on your system, emailed, put on a floppy etc. Keep in mind that using a trainer is considered by many on Battle.net to be cheating. If you choose to use a trainer, please do so responsibly. Using a trainer or another outside program to change, alter, improve or otherwise change your character is considered cheating by most players on Battle.net. Please consider your actions and how they might affect others in games. Consideration of other players is the mark of a good co-op player.

What kind of trainer is best for 1.07? 

The best kind of trainer is the one you prefer. Many people like the reliability of Stu's trainer while others think that Bobafetts is best. Mostly it depends on what you want out of it. Do you want a trainer to just back up and restore your character, or do you want a trainer with a bunch of hacks built in that may not work very well? Personally, I think Bobafetts trainer is aimed at the PK population of Battle.net. Legits and new players would have no use for the hacks included in it. Stu's Trainer is much more simplified and allows you to ONLY back up and restore characters and items. Using a trainer or another outside program to change, alter, improve or otherwise change your character is considered cheating by most players on Battle.net. Please consider your actions and how they might affect others in games. Consideration of other players is the mark of a good co-op player.

What is a "Scanner"?

A scanner is an external program called DiabloSight that allows you to view the stats of other players in the game to help you determine if they are cheating.  The scanner will show duped items and hacked equipment as well as indicate if certain cheats are being used by the players to alter their characters attributes. It will even show ears!  A word of caution is in order in regards to DiabloSight...It is NOT fool proof. It relies on memory to make comparisons of equipment or determine if an item is duped. DiabloSight has a built in database of commonly duped items. Regardless of the display, DiabloSight can report in error, but its far more reliable than unreliable. Keep in mind that the game will generate dupes of equipment, potions, and gold with potions and gold being the most common.

How do I use a .dat file?

To use a .dat file, you must first download the .zip file containing the .dat you wish to use. Once downloaded, extract the .dat to a directory of your choice.  Start Diablo like normal and once in a channel or even in a game, Alt-Tab out of Diablo and back to Windows. Initiate Diablo Hack and select "file" then "Open data file" You will then be prompted to select the appropriate file. Once you locate the .dat you wish to use, simply highlight it and press "ok" on the Diablo Hack utility. The .dat will automatically load onto the utility. Activate the preferred hacks and then close the utility. Return to Diablo and stabilize your .dat by picking up an item from your belt. If you fail to do this, when you move, you will crash your game. If you choose to use .dat files on Battle.net, please consider your actions and how they might affect other players in games. Keep in mind that using .dat files of any kind marks you as a cheater in many peoples books. See my page on Cheaters and Cheating for more information.

What is a PK?

PK's or Player Killers, as they are called on Battle.net are players that kill other players for fun. They are a singular breed of player. They are cowardly in their actions and stop at nothing to disrupt your gameplay. Most PKs will not fight you outright and will resort to a hack that can kill you anywhere on the dungeon level. They also employ Godmode from players to prevent you from defending yourself. Many players are forced to play private games by themselves for fear of PKs in public games.  By playing password protected games, playing Single Player, or by playing direct cable connection you can avoid PKs altogether. If these are not options you wish to consider, then by using the Diablo Hacking Utility and a "Godmode from Players" hack, a legit player can protect themselves from an attacker but not alter their character's stats in any way so they are still able to play the game as a legit IMO.   Of course, the ultimate solution is to play password protected games. This is not always feasible nor desired. If you fail to protect your character from the player killer threat, you really have no right to complain about PKs killing your character. If you feel that protecting your character "with code" is wrong because some person says its cheating, then you are doomed to play with a PK breathing down your neck. Some consider it cheating because you can now no longer be affected by friendly fire. True enough that you can no longer be affected by your friends in the game, but the instances of friendly fire in a anonymous public game are rare while PK encounters are frequent. Once you find people you can trust to play with, you should feel safe enough to want to turn off the PK protection you may have. Many argue that PK was designed into the game...this is partially true, but I feel that it was more for the ability to duel. Blizzard never dreamed that people would hack the game to the point that they have. Legitimate PKs would be an interesting variant to the game, but with Auto Kill and Godmode, its really no fun for anyone execpt the PK.

Ive heard people say that they were "MK'd"...what is it?

MK or Monster Kill is a variant on being PK'd.  The PK will wait until you are playing together and fighting monsters. When he feels the time is right, he will kill you with plenty of monsters around and then resurrect you in the midst of the monsters so that you drop your items this time when you die.  The PK then steals your items and leaves the game.  The best way to avoid this is to either play password protected games or run code to protect yourself from players. If you choose not to do this, simply hit F4 and quit the game before you are resurrected

I keep getting killed by PK's. Whats the best way to protect my character?

Godmode from players is the best way to do it unless you simply choose to play password protected games.  While I do not advocate Godmode for PKs or PKKs, I think it makes sense for legits and new players to use it. It makes the PKs job impossible and they soon leave your game. moe SAINT EverGreen has written a really good Godmode from players hack as well as some very unique versions of Godmode. They can all be found on my Downloads page. If you choose to use .dat files on Battle.net, please consider your actions and how they might affect other players in games. Keep in mind that using .dat files of any kind marks you as a cheater in many peoples books. See my page on Cheaters and Cheating for more information.

How many .dat files can I use at one time?

There really is no limit on the amount of .dat files you can use at one time, however, the more you use the greater the risk of crashing your game or finding conflicts that prevent some of the .dats from working properly. Try to limit your .dats to around 10. Lag will also subsequently increase with the use of many .dat files. If you choose to use .dat files on Battle.net, please consider your actions and how they might affect other players in games. Keep in mind that using .dat files of any kind marks you as a cheater in many peoples books. See my page on Cheaters and Cheating for more information.

I found a book of "Auto Kill". What is it and how do I use it?

You are most likely using a trainer with an auto kill enabled or a hack that is allowing you to see each book you find as a book of Auto kill. This is not a spell.  This is also not a very good hack to use since you can no longer level your spells effectively in this manner. You wont know what books you need or dont need. This hack is a prime example of what not to do when writing a cheat code.

Will using .dat files corrupt my character?

Not likely.  Character corruptions come mostly from utility problems or problems with your computer. Some very unstable .dat files have caused item morphing and character corruptions. Its always best to use a character you care nothing about to test new or unproven .dat files. Its also recommended that you back up your character prior to testing any unfamiliar hacks in case a corruption or other unwanted change occurs. I have used many, many .dats and have never experienced a character corruption until using the MegaDrops .dat.  This is due mostly to the fact that it is highly unstable. If you choose to use .dat files on Battle.net, please consider your actions and how they might affect other players in games. Keep in mind that using .dat files of any kind marks you as a cheater in many peoples books. See my page on Cheaters and Cheating for more information.

After activating my .dat files, my game crashes. Why?

Your game is likely crashing due to the fact that you did not "stabilize" the hack before moving your character. Diablo cannot handle all of the new instructions AND determine where your character should move at the same time. To stabilize your character after activating your .dat files, simply pick up an item from your belt or out of your inventory. You may see what looks like your game freezing for just a second or two. This is the stabilization taking place. Once you have control of your game again, take a few "baby steps" to make sure you will not experience problems. If a game crash continues, the problem is probably within the .dat files themselves.  Simply open the Diablo Hacking utility and remove a line of code at a time until the problem resolves itself. You will have to leave Diablo completely each time in order to clear the temporary memory.  There is also the possiblility that a hack is interfering with a mandatory game command and causing a conflict. This is a very rare occurence, but it does happen. If you choose to use .dat files on Battle.net, please consider your actions and how they might affect other players in games. Keep in mind that using .dat files of any kind marks you as a cheater in many peoples books. See my page on Cheaters and Cheating for more information.

How do the .dat files work?

.dat files work by temporarily overwriting Diablo RAM memory. This does not harm your computer due to this being a normal operation and utilization of RAM.  The .dat files basically identify a line of code from within the game and replace it with an altered code to get the desired effect.  .dat files are written in hexidecimal code (also known as "Hex") It uses letters and numbers to reflect certain values within the game. If you wish to learn more about Hex editing, visit moe SAINT EverGreens site listed on my links page. If you choose to use .dat files on Battle.net, please consider your actions and how they might affect other players in games. Keep in mind that using .dat files of any kind marks you as a cheater in many peoples books. See my page on Cheaters and Cheating for more information.

I cant seem to get the trainer to "see" my character. What am I doing wrong? 

There are several versions of some of the trainers. Ensure you have the version specific for your version of Diablo. In extreme cases, you may have to quit your game and restart your computer. Using a trainer or another outside program to change, alter, improve or otherwise change your character is considered cheating by most players on Battle.net. Please consider your actions and how they might affect others in games. Consideration of other players is the mark of a good co-op player.

How do you defeat Godmode?

You cant. No one can ever have a viable anti-godmode hack.  If a player tells you that he has a working anti-godmode hack, he has been fooled and is trying to fool you.  In 1.05, Firewall *sometimes* was able to break Godmode and when 1.07 first came out, Firewall broke Godmode reliably each and every time it was used due to poorly written code.  Godmode cannot be broken as your computer would have to have access to the other players computer and Diablo over Battle.net is what is known as a "peer to peer" game, meaning one player does not have control over another players game.  More can be learned about this from an explanation by Pedro Faria AKA Jarulf.  His explanation of why you cannot kill a Godmoder was posted to the newsgroup alt.games.diablo and is as follows: "Diablo is a client run game, that is, each person runs his own copy of the game.  It is also only semi-syncronized, that is, there is no complete synch check in the game, only minimal synch to not let the game get totally out of hand.  This means that the amount of data needed to send is much less.    However, it is the fact that each person runs the complete game on their computer that matters here.  This also means that your computer is the main controller of your own character (several extra steps and final checks in the code and not for just damage, but for the whole game) are ONLY done on the same computer as the character is on, that is, the other players computers do not update your own character as much and as frequently as your own computer.  For damage this means that it is the computer where the character is that handles all damage. Other computers can send informtaion that saying that they (the character on that computer) have hit you and done so and so much damage, but it is then up to your own computer to actually deal out that damage to you. Sure, the other computers could have you dead on their computer but as you are not on your, you would actually get some type of ghost status, a living body (I think there are even hacks that do somehting similar).  Anyway,  A god mode works by altering the code on YOUR computer so that it skips all places where damage is done to your character. As other people can't alter the code on your computer, there is nothing they can do to get around it. Some badly written god modes have missed some places and are therefore not complete god mode. Initially damage from firewalls was one such, the first god modes did work against most spells but not fire wall.  Another such hole in some badly written god modes where the heal other spell.  Normally when some player uses the heal other spell, it tells how much was healed, but one could tweak it so that the ammount healed was negative, thus in fact dealing damage. Of course, well written god mode would take care of ANY place that alters your life, be it physical or spell damage or whatever. There are only a limited number of places in the code that actually do update your life, fix them and you have complete god mode (the game actually has a built in god mode that is used in some very specific situations, I don't know if it has any loopholes though as I have not checked it much) When you see someone offer a bunch of .dat files and claim they have a god mode and also a hack that breakes their own god mode, that normally mean their god mode was not well done and left at least hole where it did not protect against life modification and the hack that "broke" the god mode did in fact not break anything at all, it just used that hole to deal damage that way.  I hope this cleared it up a bit. What it basically boils down to is that you can't change or affect the actual code of someont else's computer and if that code is altered so that the character can't be dead, there is nothing to do about it."

Pedro Faria
Jarulf's Guide to Diablo and Hellfire

How do I use the Diablo Hack utility?

Alt-Tab back to Windows from Diablo and double click on the Diablo Hack utility.  Once opened, select "file" then "open data file" A pop up window will appear to allow you to select your directory and .dat file. Once the appropriate .dat is found, highlight it and then press "ok". The .dat will automatically load onto the utility. Activate the selected hack or hacks and then close the program. You do not have to leave it running for the .dats to work. Return to Diablo and immediately set your hacks by picking up an item from your belt. Failure to do this may result in a game crash. If you choose to use .dat files on Battle.net, please consider your actions and how they might affect other players in games. Keep in mind that using .dat files of any kind marks you as a cheater in many peoples books. See my page on Cheaters and Cheating for more information.

I dont want to use a trainer since I am a legit. How can I back up my characters? 

DiabloSaver from moe SAINT EverGreen is a good alternative to using a trainer. It backs up and restores your characters easily (some say even easier than using a trainer). DiabloSaver is NOT a trainer. It can be found on my downloads page in the utilities section.  Many people will advise you to go into your Diablo directory and copy your diablo save files for multiplayer. I personally do not recommend this alternative since you can easily make a mistake when monkeying around in the directory where your characters reside. A trainer is a much easier way to do this and there is little chance of a screw up.

I want to alter my characters stats. How do I do it on 1.07?

There is a couple of ways you can do this.   You can use Chracter Workshop or Bobafetts Trainer. If you dont want to use either program, you can still edit your character in version 1.04 or 1.05. 1.04 is preferred due to the flexiblility of Raymonds Trainer. To have mulitple versions of Diablo on your computer, go to the appropriate pages here on my site. Using a trainer or another outside program to change, alter, improve or otherwise change your character is considered cheating by most players on Battle.net. Please consider your actions and how they might affect others in games. Consideration of other players is the mark of a good co-op player.

Ive been restoring my character each time I play. Now it seems to be acting funny. Why is this and what can I do?

You could be experiencing a light version of a character corruption. A good example of this would be that your character is carrying an axe when they are a Rogue, or is wearing  some odd item on their head! This is due to normal degradation of files over time of constant usage. You should delete the affected file and save the .cha file again.

A PK killed me but he didnt even touch me. How did he do this?

More than likely you were killed by what is known as Auto Kill. It is either a spell command hack or can even be a text command.    Auto kill is a preferred PK way to kill you since it involves no work on their part and is therefore a very lazy and cowardly way to kill you. Currently, I have a fantastic "Godmode from Autokill" .dat on my site in the Hack107 .dat file. This will completely protect you from Auto Kill. Thanks to moe SAINT EverGreen for this little gem. If you choose to use .dat files on Battle.net, please consider your actions and how they might affect other players in games. Keep in mind that using .dat files of any kind marks you as a cheater in many peoples books. See my page on Cheaters and Cheating for more information.

I have a PKK character with a sword that does 15,000 in damage. How come I keep dying?

The damage limit for handheld weapons is at or about 3000. Anything over this number is pointless since you will not be doing more than 3000 damage no matter what your weapon is rated at.  The game simply does not recognize higher damage levels for hand held weapons. Hacked equipment such as the sword mentioned in this question can and do cause character file corruptions.

I have a .dat file that allows me to get 128 levels to all spells. How come I cant defeat PKs?

Spells are limited to a level of 38. Anything more than this will not do damage to a player. If you choose to use .dat files on Battle.net, please consider your actions and how they might affect other players in games. Keep in mind that using .dat files of any kind marks you as a cheater in many peoples books. See my page on Cheaters and Cheating for more information.

I think I may be getting nuked. How can I tell for sure and what can I do about it?

Computer security is a big issue with me.   Programs such as ICQ, AOL Buddy system, Yahoo Pager or any of the other on-line chat/messaging services provide a would be hacker or nuker with an open door to your system.   This makes nuking you a very easy task.  Open ports to your system are also convenient ways to nuke you or access your computer. The NetBIOS port (139) has become a favorite target lately and is able to be accessed by not just Bnet players, but anyone that may be scanning your IP range. The NetBIOS port is used for file and printer sharing and is open by default. If you dont have Client for Microsoft Networks installed, then you dont have too much to worry about in regards to NetBIOS issues. Check my "Nuke information" page here on this site and scan your system for open ports through the link provided there. This also applies to your e-mail address.  If you wish to communicate with those you meet on Battle.net, do not give your primary e-mail address until you know the person for a while.  Yahoo, Hotmail, Juno and many other free e-mail sites can be used for your Battle.net communications. Installing an anti-nuke patch can prevent many of the nukes and pings that are currently available.  If you are running Windows 98, you are already immune to many attacks. To see what types of nukes you are subject to, go here. A computer system firewall can also be installed, but if you do not know exactly what you are doing, you can seriously screw your system up. Firewalls also must be continuously updated and checked by a qualified party.  Also be aware that if you nuke someone through a modem, or if they nuke you, a Federal crime has been committed and if you or the other party are discovered, you may find yourself facing charges or at the very least looking for a new internet service provider. As the world of the internet moves forward in our society, there will be more laws concerning its abuse. You will also see more widespread enforcement of these existing laws. If you are mad enough to nuke someone over a game, you take it way too seriously.
